Yvette Polovin shared here talents with West Coast Members assisting them to make beautiful mosaics.

David Cole

Our West Coast members enjoyed a special morning with David Cole who enthralled them with an informative talk on the Dead Sea Scrolls. .

West Coast goes to Fairview

  Our West Coast members enjoyed a wonderful outing to Fairview goat farm .

Legacy Forum

Batya Glezer and Miriam Lichterman

The Legacy Forum meeting held on Sunday 25th.  Carol Levin gave a moving account of her journey with the March of the Living together with an excellent slide show. The Legacy forum is for Holocaust Survivors and 2nd generation family members who meet regularly to discuss issues and share information      

Delicious wine available for Rosh Hashanah


Our wonderful wine is once again available just in time for Rosh Hashanah. R65.00 per bottle available at No 7 Bellevue Road, Sea Point.

David Krakauer thrills! Klezmer triumphs!

Fay Singer, David Krakauer, Matthew Reid

David Krakauer pulled out all the stops and the audience responded in trumps. Klezmer Madness was a concert that showcased Krakauer and his extraordinary collaboration with Matthew Reid and the Playing with Fire musos. The concdert kicked off with 5 numbers with Matthew Reid starting with only violin, accordion and double base.  The next numbers […]